Prayer for 2021 -2022 school year
2021- 2022 Prayer
I thank you for who you are and where you have brought me.
Last year you steadied me, comforted me, delivered me, healed me and restored hope to me.
but most importantly you have revealed your beauty to me by showing me who you are and who I am to you.
This coming year Lord stay close to me.
Fill me with your Spirit,
I give these fears to you, quiet me with your closeness.
Give me your delight so that this yoke would be light.
Give me your eyes so I can see them and your work around me.
Give me your ears so I can hear them and listen to your voice
Give me your heart so that I can love them and know where you lead.
Refine me so that I exude Thanksgiving and worship
Deliver my soul from bondage to sin and free me of any pursuit that is not of you
Empty my heart of all selfishness, useless care and anguish.
Help me surrender my whole life as an offering
Bind Satan and free me from his advances in our thoughts and in our homes,
Bend my heart to you
That you would show me when to:
when to press in and when to give space,
when to speak up and when to listen,
when to work harder and when to rest,
When to complete the task and when to set it aside, look someone in the eye and attune to them
when to act and when to be still,
when to be disciplined and when to be carefree,
when to keep going and when to turn the other way.
when to wrestle and when to surrender
when to give reproach and when to give grace
when to engage in community and when to withdraw to solitude
Lord lead me in the way I should go
(I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
I will counsel you with my loving eye on you. Ps. 32:8)
Give me abundant life only you can give.
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