Weapons of Warfare: Strongholds

Matt Chandler- Unearthed: Buried

2 Cor. 10:5 We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ, being ready to punish every disobedience, when your obedience is complete.

Stronghold is : strong mindset value system or thought process that hinders your growth. This is value systems and we live by it.-a stubborn disposition-doubts of Gods goodness or ability. 

a stonghold is something that has ahold of me and I believe it. its rooted in the eyes of the devil and 

3 ways strongholds form:

1) words and wounds- 

        Words- "your a lot," "you are not enough"

        Wounds- The wickedness of another that is forced upon you is not your fault

        Believing accusations -sides with the devil and rob from you the gratitude/ joy. 

       Only God has the perspective of what you survived.  

       When my beliefs are rooted in Satan's accusations, I don't put on the armor of God. (the belt of               truth)


3)Perfectionism- a denial of being human, your life is ruled by fear instead of faith.

Fear is toxic to our flourishing, when we fail, he is not there with a spoon.

It is Satan that accuses, God bestows, appoints, anoints. 

We already know we can appreciate your work and you appreciate your work without trying to be God. 

They all work in a similar way Satan lying to me, Me believing it and me living as if it were true.

 How are we to fight- with divine power vs 6

Our weapons of warfare:

1) repentance- I have made some nasty accusations against my creator. He says you are my beloved, no      I kind of think I'm trash, I think im too __"

    You are fearfully and wonderfully made. He says "look at my work! This is him marveling at His            Creation, its nothing I did, God did it!"

2) Renounce- formally declaring ones abandon of, I am not living that way any more. I am no longer in allegiance with that 

3) Truth- "there is now no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus. 

    The weapon against lies is truth! Romans 8 breaks the teeth of the devil

    He delights in you, sings over you, will not leave you, has you in his safe keeping. 

    The lens I see the most difficult day- Whatever this is it is not his wrath, This is God's Goodness and Mercy follow me all the days of our life. 

When Jesus says to deny yourself your take up your cross and follow him he is talking about those parts that are not you and violently put them to death, Christ died to save us from these things not to give us over to these things. 

Christ died so that you don't have to be that ridiculous characticure of womanhood. 


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