One week on a dating app
My conclusion of one week on a dating app.
Dr. Dan Allender’s quote, “everyone was born looking for someone, looking for them,” has never rang more true. The amount of people that are so chronically lonely is amazing. And while I love making people feel seen, I often forget God wants to see me. He wants to do for me what I so love doing for others. He wants my time, attention and fears. He wants me to receive His gaze, His delight, and His love. Not just the strength to live this life well, He really does want to know me and I know Him.
That’s astonishing that I can have that with Jesus. And that He always says “come home.”No lesser loves will ever do.
Even though the guy had no social skills or ability to talk to women, I really wanted to understand why He was such a devote Catholic. He told me after his dad died in 2019 of alcoholism (well he was an alcoholic and was drinking and hit his head). He went to confession one day and the Priest said for his “penance” (to make things right after confession)he would have to have coffee with the Priest. His face lit up - an almost 40 year old man lit up at the idea that a priest would want to have coffee with him. I understood- even adults are just looking for someone who is looking for someone looking for them.
I’m so grateful for this season of refining. It’s been utterly painful and eye opening. He has revealed the very depths of who He has called us to be in this life. To keep seeing beauty and bringing glory to the Kingdom.
Jesus comes to us and says- I hold nothing against you the kingdom is yours. Come to me follow me. I will reach you the heart of the Father. Christ crucified -
Everybody was boring looking for someone looking for us. Kurt Thompson. Sin shatters are belonging.
Jesus comes to us and says- I hold nothing against you the kingdom is yours. Come to me follow me.
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