Breckans 1st Birthday: a Gift From my Father

My father wrote a poem for Brecks 1st Birthday: 

(I will always cherish his sweet poems)

Oh dear Breckie on your first birthday
All work must stop when you come to play
We truly can’t believe a year has gone by
We wish that father time would cease to fly

When I look into those big and beautiful brown eyes
I see your beautiful mom in your laugh and your cries
But the thing I have known from the very first start
You have your mothers smile and as well as her golden heart

But no one will ever doubt you are your daddy’s girl
You have his big smile and even his brown curls
Whenever you are around his world will always whirl
For His heart will forever be held by his precious little girl.

So thank you Jesus for this special little gift
Each day we get to see her our hearts get a lift
Her Fasa and her Gimi will commit to daily pray
That you will keep her close to you every single day


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