Open When You Dont Feel Beautiful

Sweet Breck,
     It breaks my heart knowing that you are opening this letter, not feeling beautiful enough. Someone or something has told you you are not thin enough, athletic enough, smart enough, or funny enough. I am here to tell you that God says,"I knew you before I created you. I planned what you would look like, who your parents would be, if and who you would marry and how many children you would have." Before we could know God, He cared for each of us, He hid each of us away as a treasure until He brought us to be. God says that He fashioned each of us in awe and wonder. Can you believe your Creator is in awe of his masterpiece (you!)

     Having you created so perfectly in my belly makes me so in awe of Gods handy work. That the Almighty Creator of the universe took personal, intimate interest in you before your own mother knew about you. 

     He said to me, "You will never really enjoy other people, you will never have satisfying relationships, you will never lead a life of godly contentment, you will never conquer jealousy and love others as you should UNTIL you thank God for making you the way He did."If you still dont love the physical body that Jesus put you in, pray about it! "Jesus I'm feeling so self-conscious, please help me to love what you Created. Help me to see what You see in me!" Jesus thinks you are the most beautiful thing he has ever laid eyes on! He does, He has said He is so in awe of his creation!

     Its easy in this time of your life to hear the voices say,"Be successful, Be popular, Be beautiful. Be skinny. Be perfect." Oh my sweet girl, dont listen to those voices! According to Ephesians 2:10 you and I, "are Gods workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." When Im not pleased with the talents, gifts, and abilities God gave me, I remind myself that He is the Blessed Controller of all things. My appearance, My personality, My gifts and talents. In my heart of hearts I long to please God, and it pleases Him when I am content with how he created me. Pray that God enables you to see the wisdom behind the way He framed you. 
     NOW stand back and look in the mirror. What do you see reflected? Do you see the character of Christ, or do you see frantic activity? Be beautiful on the inside, in your hearts, with the lasting charm of a gentile and quiet spirit which is so precious to God. 

     I am convinced that a woman who struggles with her idenity and purpose is a woman who has abdicated control of who she is becoming. Our product is a lifelong joint projet between God and us. If you criticize the frame or resist Gods brushstrokes, you will not find contentment. 
     And sweet girl if you could only see what I see in you, you would be blown away by Gods handy work in you. I will love you forever,


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