Rule of Life: 9 practices for a Life Centered in God

I have thought a lot about the way I live and the way I order my home for spiritual formation.

  We can only be as present with each other as we are with God and with ourselves.

Nine practices are the structures that help align our day with our deepest desire with gods deepest transformation- re-orient her life around Jesus and becoming like Jesus and doing what Jesus did. A practice of returning regular days into a life of love. So we can get a clear picture of the kind of people God is cultivating us into.

Value + counter formation +practice

People we want to become- value

Culture- the counter formation

Practice- doing what Jesus did

We want to be a community of communion with God, in a culture of distraction and escapism

Through the practice of prayer 

Formation into communion with God 

This is the minimum dose needed to counteract the poison in which we ingest in culture in which we are immersed today 

1.Prayer :

Daily prayer rhythm

Lord’s Prayer- morning 

Lost- midday

Gratitude -evening

2.Scripture: daily reading. 

3.We want to be a community of peace and quiet in a c culture of anxiety and noise through the practice of solitude. We begin and end our day in silence.

4.We want to become a community of holiness in a culture of indulgence and immorality through the practice of fasting. Weekly 24 hour fast.

5.A community of rest in a culture of hurry and exhaustion through the practice of sabbath. Weekly sabbath. 

6.A community of love and depth in a culture individualism, and superficiality through the practice of community. to participate weekly in church and in church community.

5.We want to be a community of contentment in a culture of consumerism Through the practice of generosity. My practice is a 10% tieth. With special attention to the community and the poor. 

8. We want to be a community of Justice mercy, and reconciliation. In a culture of injustice and division through a practice of service. Serve the marginalized of the city with the aim of kinship and family. 

9.We want to be a community of hospitality in a culture of hostility through the practice of witness. A monthly expression of hospitality and Pray regularly by name for someone who does not know Jesus.

To grow into a resilient disciple of Jesus

Why do we need a rule of life?
I want to become a person of love, submitted to the transformation of the Spirit, in communion with others who also see the shaping of their whole lives around Jesus as the most important task there is.

Common temptations:
Control - this is not a way to order my way into order to minimize pain and maximize flourishing but the problem with this is a rule of life is about freedom through submission not order through control.


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