

The seductions of as many addictions Had so captured him I now knew that I was no longer talking to the man I loved. His eyes were the same shape that I had looked into countless times. But his truest self was not there. He could not see what I was seeing. He could not hear. What I was saying. Health cannot bond with un Health. what I knew, if I stayed I had to become unhealthy and rescue him and enable him. I would look in the mirror and wonder. But what if I rescued him this time and it turned everything around? most people struggling with addictions will have irrational justifications that will never make sense they don’t factor in others. They think their choices only affect them. They don’t want to see your tears. They will tell you that the blue sky is orange. The orange car is green. You hit them with the truth and there is no more remorse. You wonder if anything was true at all. If you go with what they say, you will be convinced that you were the problem. That is when I knew God was rescuing me. I saw He was rescuing me from darkness and He would not stand by while I lost my self helping this man who didn’t want to be helped.


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