Random thoughts

 In February he went to rehab for drugs and when he voluntarily left rehab he moved in with another woman and he has lived with her since February.. I have tried to soften the blow for the kids but my 4 year old is having a hard time with dad just leaving

I moved out of state to GA to live in my sisters basement. I work as the school nurse at the Christian school her husband is coaching at. I don’t have childcare in Georgia yet until January..they can’t stay with my sister because she has 4under 4 so I’m praying I find affordable childcare so I don’t have to go back and forth to GA to Alabama on the weekends.. ha big prayers

When I said I was passionate about spreading beauty- life is beautiful He is everything that is good. Everything that is beautiful. Love is who he is. He’s is the drink that will never run dry. He is that place in our hearts that long for something more. The thing that I keep trying to fill with drugs alcohol or sex. But he is the only thing that will fill is Love. Love that is so deep- he gave everything to save humanity. I know that might sound ignorant to you but I think a God that could be understood by man is not a God worth worshiping at all


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