
2012- graduated lipscomb, traveled to germany
2014- married
2020-divorced and moved to atlanta, started full time job at fellowship.
2021- moved from jones road to york place
2023- moved from york place and bought my first house
2025- celebrated 5 years at fellowship.

5/10-17/19 Our 5 year Anniversary
We moved from Ross Bridge to Vance, AL
Take from journal.

5/10-17/20 Our 6 year Anniversary
I moved from Birmingham to Atlanta.

5/10-17/21 First year Divorced
I have lived in Atlanta for a year. Its been the a violent wrestling for my heart but its always been so sweet. I can hear His whispers. I can feel the comfort of His hand. I can see the provision and the table set before me. I know what trust is and He has proven faithful. But what has won me over the most is His holiness. He is good. He truly can only be righteous and pure. He doesn't love me any less the 985th time I have turned my back on Him. He has been fully God and fully human. The wrestling with God has been exhausting. but seeing His relentless love has changed me. 
Thy rod and your staff they comfort me. The staff directs them but the rod breaks the legs of the sheep so that the shepherd has to carry the lamb on His back until the legs are healed. After that the sheep will never leave His side. 

5/10/22- God s goodness has overwhelmed my heart. I am free. Free from bondage, addiction, fear, anxiety and depression. He given me an identity, confidence, love, joy and LIFE. Such abundant life. I have no desire to fill my free weekend with a date. I am so happy with being single and its been so wonderful growing deeper with Jesus. I do not want and I am completely satisfied. 
My financial aid was approved for Breckan to come to Fellowship with me. Raleigh will be right across the street. You have brought us so many people to love and minister to. You have brou

What have I lost?
What do I regret?
What am I not willing to let go of?

safety- so I started to control (ie weight) 
my dream of having a family 
my home, my things, 
his family

What do I regret?
marrying him
not having boundaries
not having truth

What am I not willing to let go?
I knew that even before kanon left that the girls would not have a father figure that was going to lead them to jesus daily. but that is not an option. They will be immersed in the scriptures, they will pray every single day, they will 


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